Wednesday, April 8, 2015

First Flush: San Francisco Trial Day

With a much larger crowd than expected (16 people!!!)  the Trial San Francisco Loo Tour kicked off last Saturday. The tour wound it's way from a green street toilet by the Ferry Building to Union Square.

My victims guests were a great lot. Based on feedback I've had so far, doing the trial tour really served to confirm what I already suspected: There is some interesting content that needs a tighter narrative, more fleshing out, and a shorter walk.

At this point it is looking like the tour will naturally divide into two routes. One along the piers, focusing on toilets, water politics, sewage and plumbing. The second in the inner city focusing on politics of space, gentrification, public toilet facilities, and what it means to have (or be denied) the right to a safe clean toilet.

More on both these journeys anon. In the mean time, here are some shots of the tour in action.

The kick-off: Embarcadero Centre

A complete list of publicly available toilets in the city actually exits!
Showed here next to a "restrooms for customers only" sign. 

An innovative plan. Discovered by accident on the tour.